Are you tired of feeling like your own worst enemy? Do you wish you could get your mind on your side and make weight loss EASIER?

Discover the missing piece in your weight loss transformation and finally  end the inner war to lose weight and keep it off

If you're tired of knowing what to do, but not being able to do it, then join the 21-Day Identity Shift and get the Code Red Identity Shift Process for making your own mind your best friend (instead of your worst enemy).

PLUS learn how to shift your Mind, Body, and Spirit into the version of you who knows what to do and actually does it!

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Dear fellow believer,

If you’re sick and tired of feeling like there’s something wrong with you because you can’t seem to lose weight or keep it off no matter WHAT you do, this will be the most important message you read all day.

Cristy Code Red here, and I’m about to let you in on a little secret…

One that’s completely changing the game for people like you, who are sick to death of the EXHAUSTING inner war to get and keep the weight off.

I’ll tell you that secret in just a sec.

Before I do, let me ask you a SUPER important question...

Have you ever KNOWN what to do, but couldn't seem to do it?

If you're like every other human on the planet, the answer is YES.

And if you’re reading this, that means you probably have SOME idea of what you should be doing to get and keep the weight off.

This is especially true if you’ve even so much as dipped your toe into my nutrition program, the Code Red Lifestyle™.

You know what to eat.

You know what not to eat.

You know to drink water.

You know to get sleep.

You know to follow the ten rules to consistent weight loss.

But if you “know” all that and are STILL struggling to stay on track, it means you KNOW what to do, but "can't" seem to do it.

And you probably have no clue why that is, right?

You may have some theories or beliefs about it…

Like you're undisciplined...

You're self-sabotaging...

You're don't have the time...

You’re destined to be fat...

You can’t afford it...

And so on.

While stuff like MIGHT be A factor...

There's another factor that I can almost guarantee you haven't thought of…

One that almost NOBODY talks about (because they aren’t aware of it themselves).

And I can sum it up in two words.

Your Identity.

Why Your Identity Is The Piece You’ve Been Missing

So what the heck is “Your Identity,” and what does it have to do with losing weight and keeping it off?


Let me give you an example to show you what your identity is and why it’s the missing piece in your transformation.

Right now, go ahead and think of something you love to do.

Got something?


Now answer this question:

Does it FEEL LIKE hard work to do that thing you love to do?

(I know, it sounds like a trick question, but it’s not.)

Notice I didn't ask you IF it's hard work.

I asked you if it FEELS like hard work.

If you're like most people, the answer is HECK NO.

Or if it does feel like hard work, it's a labor of love that you don't mind doing.

Now, when you think about that same thing you love doing, notice what you say about it, how you feel about it, and what you believe about it.

It’s probably stuff like…
Saying, "I love doing this!"
Feeling your love of doing it.
Effortlessly believing you love doing it.
Pretty different from how you feel and talk about the stuff you know what to do but can't seem to do, isn't it?

That's because Your Identity is that of someone who loves doing that thing you love doing.

Your IDENTITY is how you see yourself. It's who YOU believe you are.

(Not who you think you should be or who anyone else says you are…it’s who YOU believe you are.)

And when a behavior aligns with who you believe you are, it either…
  • Feels easy to do, OR...
  • Doing it is so fulfilling that you will eagerly push through the hard parts to get to the parts you love
That's true even if "the thing" is not good for you, or you don't consciously want it…

Which is probably the case with all that extra fat you’d love to get rid of, right?

Here's what this means for your struggle to get and keep the weight off.

If you’ve got a weight problem, some part of your identity is “someone with a weight problem.”

It might also be something like, “I’m destined to be fat,” or “I will never get this weight off,” or even “I’m safer when I’m fat.”

You may not CONSCIOUSLY see (or want to think of) yourself this way, but you still do, and here’s how I know…

If some part of you didn’t see yourself that way, you wouldn’t still have a weight problem.

If some part of you didn't see yourself that way, doing what it takes to get (or keep) your weight off wouldn’t feel so hard.

And as long as some part of you continues to think of you as “someone with a weight problem,” lasting weight loss will continue to feel difficult for you

No matter what you do to try and lose weight.

Not only that, but regaining your weight will continue to feel EASY to DO...

Because the behaviors that lead to gaining back your weight return you to that familiar identity of “someone with a weight problem.”

And as we’ve already established, behavior that aligns with Your Identity feels the easiest to do.

So what’s the solution to making weight loss FEEL easy instead of hard?


Your Identity around your weight HAS to shift.

The more Your Identity around your weight shifts, the less of that EXHAUSTING inner conflict you feel, and the EASIER it feels to lose the weight and keep it off.

When something FEELS easy to YOU, it’s easy for you to do.

In case this is new information for you and you’re not sure you believe it yet, let me give you a few more examples to prove it to you. 

See if you can relate to any of these...

Saying “I’m always late” makes it feel effortless to be late.

Saying “I love to read!” makes it feel effortless to read.

Saying “I love to watch movies!” makes it feel effortless to watch movies.

Saying “I can’t do anything right” makes it feel effortless to make mistakes (even if you don’t want to make them).

Saying "I'm an emotional eater" makes it feel effortless to emotionally eat.

Saying “I’m a procrastinator” makes it feel effortless to avoid the things you should be doing.

Saying “I’m a smoker” or “I love beer” makes it effortless to smoke or drink beer.

See what I mean?

When a behavior matches a piece of Your Identity, it feels easy and effortless to do.

If the behavior is one you want to have, that’s great!

But if it’s not, you’re stuck trying to FORCE yourself to behave differently.

It can be done, but it’s EXHAUSTING because you’re constantly fighting against yourself.

You feel like your own worst enemy!

But what if that could FINALLY change?

What if you could make doing what it takes to get and keep the weight off start to feel easier and easier?

Imagine no more desperately jumping from gimmick to gimmick, hoping the next quick fix will be the one that fixes YOU.

Imagine no more terror about KEEPING off the weight you’ve lost.

Imagine no more hopelessness around whether you’ll ever get the weight off for good.

And imagine no more feeling like your own worst enemy.

Shifts like these are just the START of what you can expect when you begin to shift Your Identity.

So HOW do you shift Your Identity? 

If this is the first you're hearing about identity, and you're not sure about it yet, I get why.

No one ever taught me about the role of identity in transformation, either.

I thought I had to FORCE myself to do the things I "knew to do," even when I didn't want to do them.

But as I started shifting MY identity, the things that help me manage my weight and health started to feel EASIER. It was AMAZING!!

"WHY am I just now hearing about this??" I wondered.

I knew I HAD to get the word out…

Because THIS is the missing piece in ANY transformation, including weight loss!

To help people like you start shifting their identity so they can FINALLY get and stay successful at getting healthy, I created a simple mind-body-spirit process called The Code Red Identity Shift.

It’s so simple that it can be done in just 10-15 minutes a day…

Yet it works incredibly well!
Take a look at what people who are using the Identity Shift Process have to say:
Based around a combination of science, nutrition, and biblical principles, the Code Red Identity Shift enables you to transform without the exhausting inner conflict of knowing what to do but struggling to do it.

And I am BEYOND excited for you to learn and use it!

Before I reveal how you can get started, let me address something you’re probably wondering if you’ve tried the Code Red Lifestyle™ before...

Why is the 21-Day Code Red Identity Shift faith-based?

The reason is simple: Both of my parents are (or have) been pastors, and I grew up in church. I love God and I love Jesus!

And not a lot of people know this, but my dream with Code Red was always to give God’s people a way to get healthy so they were better equipped to spread the Kingdom.

Of course, I still want everyone in the world to have the opportunity to hear about Code Red, because it works whether or not you’re a Christian. That’s why I didn’t make the Code Red Lifestyle™ a “Christian” program.

But with the Code Red Identity Shift, I knew I wanted it to be faith-based, so I could offer God’s people a faith-based option to reclaim their mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

(Sidebar: You don't HAVE to be faith-based to benefit, because shifting Your Identity helps regardless.

So if you’re sick of losing the battle to get and keep your weight off…and sick of feeling like your own worst enemy...

Then I’m inviting you into my new experience called the 21-Day Code Red Identity Shift…

Where I will teach you the Code Red Identity Shift Process to make doing what it takes to get and keep the weight off FEEL EASIER AND EASIER.

Click the button below to claim your spot in the 21-Day Identity Shift now!
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Here’s what you get with the 21-Day Code Red Identity Shift

  • The complete Code Red Identity Shift Process to shift who YOU believe you are so your mind stops fighting to keep you fat and you stop feeling like your own worst enemy. Like everything I do, this process is both SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE. All it takes is 10-15 minutes a day to make losing weight and keeping it off feel easier and easier!
  • 21 days of videos from Cristy to address your mind, body, and spirit, ALL from a biblical perspective, complete with scripture support. Your mind, body, and spirit were designed by God and inform Your Identity. My daily videos will teach you how to start shifting these pieces of Your Identity into the amazing version of YOU that God made you to be…all without you feeling ashamed, guilty, or unworthy for not being “perfect.”
  • Daily emails for all 21 days to help you stay engaged and ensure you get the countless benefits of Identity Shifting. Check your inbox (or junk/spam if you don’t see it in your inbox) every day of the 21-Day Identity Shift for bonus tips and reminders!
  • ​A physical copy of the Identity Shift Journal shipped right to you. This amazing journal teaches you the Code Red Identity Shift Process, including deep dives into the Mind-Body-Spirit pillars of your identity (complete with scripture support). It also includes journal pages to complete your daily Identity Shift Process. IMPORTANT: Shipping to the U.S. and Canada only. Canadian residents are subject to a $20 shipping charge.
  • ​Access to the DIGITAL Identity Shift Journal. This way you won’t have to wait for your physical journal to arrive to get started.
  • ​Detailed training on HOW to Identity Shift. You’re getting a step-by-step training video that walks you through exactly how to correctly Identity Shift for the best possible results.
  • Digital 21-Day Identity Shift Study Guide to anchor in each lesson for faster and better Identity Shifts. This study guide accompanies my daily Mind-Body-Spirit videos and includes scriptures quoted in my videos, questions to uncover your personal blocks and challenges, space to write down your wins, thoughts, and feelings, and a daily prayer to help you anchor in each day's lesson.
  • ​Identity Shift foods to eat/foods to avoid. Since what you put into your body also affects your mind and spirit, you’re getting the Identity Shift “foods to eat/foods to avoid list,” which removes the guesswork around what you should eat to fuel your body for weight loss (while helping you feel better than you have in years).
  • ​Identity Shift rules list to enhance your results. Follow these 10 simple rules for more consistent weight loss.
  • 3 live, interactive Q&As with Cristy to ask questions, share wins, and get help with your Identity Shifts. Use these Q&As to celebrate yourself and other Identity Shifters, get unstuck, and connect with an amazing, like-minded community!
  • 3 live, interactive Q&As with Identity Shift Coach Andrea Dell, who is also a Code Red Certified Coach, a Certified Christian Coach, a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (i.e. speaking the language of the brain), and a master of the Identity Shift Process!
  • Pop-up Facebook group where the 21-Day Identity Shift and live Q&As with Cristy and Coach Andrea are delivered. The daily videos, training, study guide, digital Identity Shift Journal, community, and Q&As are all delivered in this group, so you have everything you need in one place!
For the amount of life-changing transformation the 21-Day Identity Shift delivers…and considering that Coach Andrea and I have collectively spent WELL into the six figures to learn everything you’re learning in the 21-Day Identity Shift…

Not to mention that I charged $15,000 for three months of one-on-one coaching back when I did it and Andrea recently charged $1,297 for a 1:1 Identity Shift Breakthrough package…

Your one-time payment of $97 for everything you get when you join the 21-Day Identity Shift is a screaming deal.

So if you’re ready to make losing weight and keeping it off finally FEEL EASY, then click the button below to secure your spot in the 21-Day Identity Shift for $97, and get the missing piece you need to put your weight problem behind you for good while ALSO nurturing your mind, body, and spirit in a biblically-based way.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions about the 21-Day Identity Shift, feel free to ask my awesome customer support team by messaging them at (Please be sure to enter your email address correctly and check junk/spam for their replies, as they ALWAYS, without exception, reply in less than 24 hours…usually it’s MUCH less.)

Otherwise, to get the missing piece you need to make doing what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off feel easier, click the button below to join the 21-Day Code Red Identity Shift!
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Copyright © 2016-2025  Code Red Fitness & Nutrition, LLC.  |  All Rights Reserved.
* DISCLAIMER: Some weight loss results featured on this website are not typical. The average person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly following the Code Red LifestyleTM but there is no guarantee any weight loss will occur. Results vary because of many factors, including food eaten, water consumed, and sleep quantity.

This website does not provide medical or healthcare advice. Consult with your physician before making any dietary or other health-related changes, including adoption of the Code Red Lifestyle.